
Subscribing to FlashyScience gives you access to all the experiments shown on the Experiments page.

We are providing free subscriptions to individuals and schools involved in education of under-18s. This includes students on courses normally taken by those up to the age of 18 and associated schools, colleges, home educators, and tutors. For-profit university-access colleges are excluded. 

You can start your free subscription using the registration process below.

Spam warning for school teachers: subscribing requires a response to a verification email from '' within 24 hours of initiating registration. If you don't see this in your inbox, please check your spam folder. If the email isn't there, please contact your IT admin with the above email address as it is likely to have been stopped by your school's spam filter.

Please contact us if you’re uncertain if you qualify for the free offer.

Other individuals and groups will need a paid subscription, as shown below.


If you don’t qualify for a free subscription, you can still subscribe.

  • Other Global USD (usd)
    Number of Users: up to 20 - Cost: $200.00 Per Year
    Number of Users: 21 - 100 - Cost of previous plan + $4.00 per user over 20
    Number of Users: 101 - 300 - Cost of previous plan + $2.00 per user over 100
    Number of Users: 301 or more - Cost of previous plan + $0.80 per user over 300
    Gold license – tailored content for teaching - Contact us for details
  • Other Global EUR (eur)
    Number of Users: up to 20 - Cost: €175.00 Per Year
    Number of Users: 21 - 100 - Cost of previous plan + €3.50 per user over 20
    Number of Users: 101 - 300 - Cost of previous plan + €1.75 per user over 100
    Number of Users: 301 or more - Cost of previous plan + €0.70 per user over 300
    Gold license – tailored content for teaching - Contact us for details
  • Individual Global (usd)
    $5.00 Per Month

Step 1: Register

Please include a back-up email address, e.g. of a colleague, that we can use in case your primary email address ceases to work, e.g. if you leave your place of work.