About Us
FlashyScience virtual experiments allow school and university students to ‘learn-by-doing’ and improve their understanding of science and engineering. The virtual experiments are linked to common curricula, e.g. GCSE, A-level, university courses, and allow students to grow in confidence in performing experiments, recording and analysing data, and to think about an experiment’s relevance.
This powerful approach emerges from our many years of experience of working with students in schools and at university.
A common barrier to science and engineering students is a lack of experimental equipment or time to spend exploring, repeating and consolidating the learning outcomes of practical activities. For some students, working in large groups means missing out on being able to engage with an experiment.
FlashyScience virtual experiments break through this barrier by providing simple and repeated student access to key experiments, supported by a range of resources. Teacher feedback and our experience show that students using FlashyScience virtual experiments come to understand scientific principles for themselves, gain confidence through making decisions, and even learn key skills in experimentation and data analysis.
FlashyScience was founded by Dr Julian Dean and Professor Dan Allwood, who are also academics in the Dept Materials Science and Engineering, University of Sheffield in the UK. They teach undergraduate and postgraduate students alongside running their research groups that (mainly) study nanoscale magnetic and electroceramic materials. They also run schools outreach activities and have several publications sharing ideas and outcomes.
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